Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Deal With It - Diary for January

Happy New Year everyone. Successful December with Beach Clean and wet Winter Solstice event at the Landmark pics here ...
Lots going on over the next few months plus we hope to be announcing some new projects at the end of the month
Saturday 28th January 13:30 Deal With It Annual Gathering HooHaa
Chance to reflect, with cake, tea and company what we have achieved in 2016 and the exciting things we want to do in Deal in 2017.
This is also our AGM but we hope to keep the official business to a minimum but if you are interested in standing for one of three 'official' roles in the group (Coordinator, Secretary, Treasurer) or just want to get involved more please drop me a email at
Landmark Centre (Cafe area) 13:30 to 4pm
Saturday 21st January - Chocolate Experience
Led by Kieran Renihan of Chocolation. Temper and mould chocolate and learn about this fascinating food 2pm £15
Chequers Kitchen School full details here

Sunday 29th January 10:00am - Deal Beach Clean
Meet at Deal Pier for a pop-up clean

Sat Feb/March Date to be Confirmed - Seedy Saturday
Landmark Garden - We will wait until Feb to see what the medium term weather looks like but please start collating any seeds to swap or get some early planting going

On 25 February ’17, 2pm to 6pm  the first Transition London and South East hub event in Central London, focusing on REconomy

Sunday 5th March - 9:30am  Walmer Beach Clean
This is part of our contribution to the national 'Great British Spring Clean' - we are discussing with other local organisations about litter picks to hit 'grott spots' in the town.
Meet at the Sea Cafe on the Green

Sunday 2nd April - 9:30am Deal Beach Clean
This is the first of our Marine Conservation Society cleans where we log what we find.
Sunday 17th September 9:30am  - Deal Beach Clean
Part of the MCS 'Great British Beach Clean'

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