Wednesday, May 25, 2011

DWI: Marine Conservation Zones meeting

A small group of about a dozen people gathered together to listen to a fascinating presentation by 'Balanced Seas' project manager Sue Wells.
She explained that 'Balanced Seas' is a collaborative project, based at the University of Kent, Canterbury, working to recommend Marine Conservation Zones around South East England.

There are three other projects covering the rest of the English coast.

The Marine Conservation Zone Project has been set up to ensure the long term survival of the wildlife and rich diversity of these seas and to safe-guard sensitive species and habitats. A Regional Stakeholder Group, made up of people representing all different kinds of activities related to inshore and offshore waters, have been working to designate areas needing protection while giving consideration to livlehoods and activities also taking place.

At the end of her presentation, Sue answered lots of interesting questions and discussions continued while refreshments were served. It was a most enjoyable evening.

Thank Vicki for the report and Rose D for the pix

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